D.S. Prasada Rao, A. N. Rambaldi, G. Hajargasht, W. E. Griffiths (2022). "The University of Queensland International Comparison Database, UQICD V3.0: User Guide" Module 1. CEPA Working Papers Series WP092022, School of Economics, University of Queensland, Australia.
D. S. Prasada Rao, R. Inklaar and A.N. Rambaldi (2018), "Options for Producing 'Smoothened' PPP Time- Series for the Years Between Reference Year Comparisons", Paper presented to the Second meeting of the Technical Advisory Group of the International Comparisons Program, May 2018.
D. S. Prasada Rao, A. N. Rambaldi (2015). An Econometric Approach to the Extrapolation of PPPs to Non-benchmark Years. World Bank International Comparisons Program Regional Coordinators Meeting
L. T. Huynh, A. N. Rambaldi, and D. S. Prasada Rao (2014), "Econometric estimation and aggregation of PPP panels for components of GDP" In 33rd IARIW General Conference Rotterdam, August 2014.
D. S. Prasada Rao, A. N. Rambaldi and Howard Doran (2010a), "Extrapolation Of Purchasing Power Parities Using Multiple Benchmarks And Auxiliary Information: A New Approach", Review of Income and Wealth, Series 56, Special Issue 1, June, 2010, pp. S59-S98.
D. S. Prasada Rao, A. N. Rambaldi and Howard Doran (2010b), "An Econometric Approach to the Construction of Complete Panels of Purchasing Power Parities: Analytical properties and Empirical Results", 2010 World Congress of the Econometric Society, Shanghai, 17-21 August, 2010.
A. N. Rambaldi, D.S. Prasada Rao and K. Renuka Ganegodage (2010), "Modelling Spatially Correlated Error Structures in the Time-Space Extrapolation of Purchasing Power Parities" in Price Indexes in Time and Space edited by Biggeri and Ferrari, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 63-96, 2010.
D.S. Prasada Rao, A. N. Rambaldi, G. Hajargasht, W. E. Griffiths (2022). "The University of Queensland International Comparison Database, UQICD V3.0: User Guide" Module 3. CEPA Working Papers Series WP092022, School of Economics, University of Queensland, Australia.
Bert Balk, A. N. Rambaldi, and D. S. Prasada Rao (2022). Macro-Economic Measures For A Globalized World: Global Growth And Inflation. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 26(2), 314-360.
Rao, D.S. Prasada, 2018. "Macro-economic Measures for a Globalised World: Global Growth and Inflation," CEI Working Paper Series 2018-11, Center for Economic Institutions, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
D.S. Prasada Rao, A. N. Rambaldi, G. Hajargasht, W. E. Griffiths (2022). "The University of Queensland International Comparison Database, UQICD V3.0: User Guide" Module 2 and 4. CEPA Working Papers Series WP092022, School of Economics, University of Queensland, Australia.
Hajargasht G., Griffiths, W. , Brice, J., Rao, D.S. and Chotikapanich, D. (2012). "Inference for Income Distributions using Grouped Data", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30, 563-75.
Hajargasht G. and Griffiths, W. (2013). "Pareto-Lognormal Distributions: Inequality, Poverty, and Estimation from Grouped Income Data", Economic Modelling, 33, 593-604.
Hajargasht G. and W. Griffiths (2013). "GMM Estimation of Mixtures from Grouped Data, Department of Economics" - Working Papers Series 1148, The University of Melbourne.
Chotikapanich, D., Griffiths, W. E., Hajargasht, G., Karunarathne, W., & Rao, D. S. (2018). Using the GB2 Income Distribution. Econometrics, 6(2), 21.
ARC Discovery Project DP 170103559 - , "How reliable are Purchasing Power Parities from the World Bank?" (D.S. Prasada Rao, Alicia Rambaldi and Gholamreza Hajargasht), 2017-2019.
ARC Discovery Project DP 0985813 - $580,000, "Construction of Consistent Panels of Real Gross Domestic Product and its Components at Current and Constant Prices" (D.S. Prasada Rao, A. Rambaldi and H.E. Doran), 2009-2013
ARC Discovery DP 0557606 - $225,000, "Consistent Space-Time Real Comparisons of Real Income" (D.S. Prasada Rao, A. Rambaldi and H.E. Doran), 2005-2007
ARC Discovery Project DP 140100673, "Modelling income distributions over space and time" (W.E. Griffiths, D. Chotikapanich and D.S. Prasada Rao), 2014-2016
ARC Discovery Project DP 1094632, "Econometric estimation and analysis of country, regional and global income distributions" (D.S. Prasada Rao, W.E. Griffiths and D. Chotikapanich), 2010-2012