This new module introduced in UQICD 3.0 focuses on inequality statistics for different regions of the world. This module complements the UQICD real incomes regional module on economic aggregates such as real, nominal and constant 2011 price GDP for different regions and regional groupings. The levels of inequality along with data on real per capita incomes can provide an indication of the level of welfare at the regional level.
The user can download regional GDP; Gini and Theil's measures of inequality; and shares of the bottom and top 1% and 10% of the populations for different geographical regions, World Bank income groupings, and for the OECD and the EU (as at December 2019) and for different years. Data is available for 159 countries that are included in the computations for this module (see detailed information).
The user is advised to consult the UQ International Comparisons Database: UQICD User Guide V3.0 for details of the income distributions included in the data base. Econometric methodology used in the estimation of income distributions is described in the User Guide, and further details can be found in various publications and working papers.
Inequality measures by country are also available.
Rao, D.S. Prasada, A. N. Rambaldi, G. Hajargasht, D. Chotikapanich and W.E. Griffiths, UQ International Comparisons Database: UQICD V3.0, School of Economics, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia. 2022.